The Hound of the Baskervilles.
By Conan Doyle
In the leisurely introduction in the first two installments
of the Hound of the `Baskervilles Sidney Paget relies
on the stock drawing room scenes so often found in the introductions to
these tales.
Mortimer, hands on knees sits in a straight backed chair as a counterpoint
to Holmes who sits on the edge of his cushioned chair - knees crossed
and hand on chin as he cross
examines Mortimer. Watson looks a little bored as he leans
on elbow against the mantle with left hand thrust wrist deep into his pocket.
Possibly still stung by being ranked as "the second highest expert in Europe"
moments before by Mortimer, yet intrigued at the possibilities of the tale,
Holmes alternately berates and praises Mortimer's crime scene manner.
"You have indeed much to answer for" is the caption Paget used for
the drawing.
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The element of time is introduced again in the next image when Mortimer records the time of the next meeting on his shirt cuff. Watson, nearly obstructed by Holmes' body, peers over the shoulder of his friend who stands with hands on hips, impatiently awaiting the departure of he who has provided the grist for the mill that will turn over the details in a smoke filled self consultation for the next few hours. That scene is drawn in a dark background representing the "intolerable" shag smoke filled room that Watson returns to in the next image. With one pipe hanging from his mouth and another apparently at the ready next to the 'second' silver coffee pot, Holmes is wired with caffeine and nicotine and has made a virtual visit to Baskerville Hall; a he shows Watson a map of the area of Baskerville Hall. Watson, once again leaning over Holmes' shoulder, has been reduced by Paget to a mere head floating above a detached hand that extend from the shag shadow in which he is encased by SP.
Entering the rooms the next day in the
next drawing is the new master of Baskerville Hall. Paget follows
Doyle's description to the letter as he draws " a small, alert, black-eyed
man about thirty years of age, very sturdily built with thick black eyebrows
and a pugnacious face." Paget draws the figure standing erect
with hat in a hand extended to his
side and a cane stretched at an angle from the straight legs which
sustain the erect posture of the figure. Watson comments the bearing
indicated "he was a gentleman," and Paget titles the drawing as such, "Sir
Henry Baskerville."
In stark contrast to the formal morning wear
of the two visitors, Holmes is dressed in a flowing dressing gown which
stops just above his shoes. Perhaps being second best allows for
a bit of a dress down at initial depositions in Holmes'' high court.
He is holding the Times from which he extracts the first glimmer of a clue
as to the origin - if not the intent - of the note. Dr. Mortimer
peers at the note on a singularly empty table while Baskerville,
who has probably already tweaked Holmes' vanity by identifying him as a
person who "thinks out little puzzles," sits with hands clasped staring
at Holmes with a pair of puzzled dark eyes, and wonders aloud whether
"we've gotten a bit off the trail." With this second slight in a
matter of minutes, compounded by the original denigration of status by
Mortimer earlier, Holmes' aloof stance and expression are Paget's setting
for the rebuff of all questions of his status, importance, and techniques by
Holmes' explanations which win over Sir Henry, "Well if that isn't smart"
he exclaims.
Holmes, always available for extended sessions of adulation, then is pictured holding the paper an inch from his eyes, with one hand tied behind his back, as he searches for more clues that might allow him to solve the entire mystery from his lodging, by ordering up more shag, coffee and maps.
But the game is afoot, and the tale finally gets to present day action as Watson follows Holmes in a bungled chase of the tail of Mortimer and Hugo.
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The frontispiece for the Strand article is the last scene of this installment, and is one of the best period scenes of the canon. Paget draws a richly textured street scene of Victorian England that goes to the heart of the atmosphere of that period Doyle creates in the tales. Holmes may have bungled the action, but Paget has not in depicting the setting. The skulking spy is pictured inside a hansom with false beard firmly in place, and eyes looking directly at his own tail. Above and behind him sits the driver of this particularly endearing symbol of Victorian times.
Holmes, who has quickly exchanged his dressing
gown for a coat of tails and a top hat, strolls in attempted nonchalance
with the equally attired Watson. A pipe in Holmes' hand and a cane
suitable for strutting in Watson's hand sets off the ensembles, sure to
be a hit in the spring fashion shows of '01.
Behind the hansom, is a double decker transport
drawn by two fully haltered and blindered steeds stepping in unison down
the thoroughfare. This driver is perched in front of his fares who
sit atop the deck enjoying what Holmes, a sometimes reveler in the
beauty of nature, recognizes as "a fine day."
Another similar vehicle and perhaps a third occupy the street, and there is a hint of bustle in the crowded image with which Paget presents us. The awninged store fronts and multi-storied buildings present a hurried and crowded setting that make a perfect foil for the upcoming events in the moor :-) secluded setting of Baskerville Hall we are about to be plunged into by Sidney Paget and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Take Care