Format For The Five Paragraph Essay
On Washington High School

 Print a copy for each group member.

Paragraph One:  Introduction  - six to eight sentences in length

Paragraph Two:  First Body Paragraph  - eight to ten sentences in length
  •     Discuss the differences in the physical features of Washington High School



    Paragraph Three:  Second Body Paragraph - ten to twelve sentences in length.
    Discuss the changes in the neighborhoods around Washington

    Paragraph Four:  Third Body Paragraph - eight to ten sentences in length
        Discuss the differences in the student body between the 1936 class photograph and the decryption of the 1998 student body.

    Paragraph Five:  Conclusion - six to eight sentences in length

            Summarize the biggest changes in Washington High School and its neighborhoods and  student body.  In 1932 when this school opened it was called Washington Rural.  Do the text and images and your experiences demonstrate the change from that status to today's Washington High School?