Gathering On-Line Census Data

    In this step you will be using the United Sates Historical Data Browser to gather census information for your project.  The best way to do this is to 

Dowload This Worksheet First
  • Open another page by holding down ctrl and pressing N.
  • In this new page, open up the data browser at http://fisher.lib.Virginia.EDU
  • Click the year of the census you are researching
  • From the pull down list of variables, select the variables you need to answer your research question.
    You can select multiple variables by holding down CTRL N
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the submit button
  • When the next page appears, scroll down to county you are studying and copy the data you need on the worksheet you printed. Then copy the data in the spaces below:

Name State City School Year in SchoolE-mail address

I give permission for my name and research to be published on the Internet

Research Question

State Being Researched County

Year Ethnic Group/Nationality

Total number of ethnic group  in county

Total number of all groups in county 

To figure percentages use the "Find Proportions" function at the top of the page and record that figure here
I give permission for my name and data to be published on the Internet

Click the button below to submit the data to the Census Building Project at Washington High School In Kansas City, Kansas