The sources also contain more information than needed
to answer the research question. Only take notes on the parts of
each source that answers the research question. Use the procedures
below to take notes on each source.
Use direct quotes or paraphrases when taking notes, and be sure to include the page numbers - or electronic benchmarks - needed to locate the source.
Author's Name
Title of Resource Pages Referenced
Publication Information
(Last, First) Notes on Resource:
African American Mosaic: Western Migration and Homesteading . Library of Congress On-Line Exhibit. http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/african/afam009.html
Coombs, Norman. "The New Negro Immigration and Migration". The Black Experience in America: The Immigrant Heritage of America (Twayne, 1972). http://www.teachersoft.com/Library/nonfict/coombs/chapt09.htm
Lawrence, Dennis. "Black Migration To Wyandotte County 1860 - 1900." The Impact of Local, State and Federal Government Decisions on the Segregation and Subsequent Integration of Sumner High School in Kansas City, Kansas . Diss. U of Kansas, 1997.
United States Senate.
Senate Select Committee. Negro Exodus from the Southern States.
Washington, D. C.: April 17, 1880.